Frequently Asked Questions

Which vehicles can be convert to LPG?

All gasoline-powered, carburetor, injection and injection with catalytic converter cars can be convert to gas.

Is it possible to install an LPG system on diesel vehicle?

Yes the system can be installed on all diesel engines, including generators. DDF (Diesel Dual Fuel) system can be fitted on cars, vans, pick-ups, buses, trucks and tractors. The mix/blend (Diesel with Gas) depends on the type of the engine, power and the engine's condition/age. Generally, 25% to 40% of diesel is substituted by the respective used gas in according to the applied conversion. This substitution results in substantial cost savings to the user with a more efficient engine. The DDF, when it burns in the chamber, not only lessens NOX, CO and CO2, it drastically reduces the carbon particulates (unburnt diesel smoke with suspended carbon particles) in the exhaust emissions thereby making it an ideal, eco-friendly choice for diesel-fuelled engines. Additionally, the DDF increases engine torque and power, prolongs engine life and leads to smoother running of the engine, reduced crankcase deposits and lesser oil changes

Which are the advantages of LPG in comparison to others fuels?

LPG is an energy-rich fuel source with a higher calorific value per unit than other commonly used fuels, including coal, natural gas, diesel, petrol, fuel oils, and biomass-derived alcohols. LPG generates fewer carbon emissions than gasoline (petrol) and diesel. Therefore it can make a positive contribution to air quality improvement compared to diesel, heating oil and solid fuels.

What is the impact of the LPG on the environment?

LPG is one of the cleanest conventional fuels available. It is non-toxic and has no impact on soil, water and underground aquifers. It also helps to improve the quality of indoor and outdoor air, as it produces substantially less particulate matter and NOX than diesel, oil, wood or coal. From a global warming perspective, LPG fuel can play a significant role in reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. For many applications, including transport, cooking, heating, industrial processes and local power generation there is a major role in small and medium scale applications for alternative low carbon fuels, such as LPG, which have a smaller carbon footprint than traditional fuels. Studies consistently demonstrate that LPG generates fewer carbon emissions than gasoline (petrol) and diesel. In addition, the carbon footprint of LPG is more than 20% lower than gasoline and more than 10% lower than diesel.LPG therefore helps to reduce CO2 emissions. LPG also helps to reduce Black Carbon (BC) emissions, which are the second biggest contributor of global warming and which can cause serious health problems.

Is special maintenance required for LPG systems and their engines?

To ensure a good functioning through time the system is subject to periodic checks (ex. Replacement filter) according to a scheduled plan of maintenance each 15-20.000 km. These operations are generally made by the repair shop in the same time withcar's scheduled control with particular attention to ignition and electronics.

How are the consumption and the car's power of a LPG engine compared to a petrol one?

Normally a car powered by gas with one liter of LPG travels 5% less than one gasoline liter If the route with gasoline is 10 km/lt with gas will be about 9.5 km/lt while the power loss is about 3%-5% so not noticeable by the user.

Which vehicle autonomy do you get with LPG?

The autonomy LPG car depends on the dimensions of tank installed, whose choice could be made in relation to the use of the car to privilege the load capacity or onmore autonomy of the car itself. In case it desire privilege the load capacity it's advisable to install atoroidal tank that is placed on the car's spare wheel compartment and keeps unchanged the load capacity. If the route with gasoline is 10 km/lt with gas will be about 9.5 km/lt. The tanks can be of different shapes and sizes so different autonomies. To have aindicative reference, with a 40 liter tank (32 lt effective LPG following the intervention of the safety valve) our car would have an autonomy about 290 km, instead with a 60 liter tank where it is possible insert 48 lt effective of LPG the autonomy will be about 480 km.

How an LPG equipment works?

LPG can be used in any gasoline or diesel engine. LPG makes ideal fuels for combustion engines due to their high octane rating, low levels of volatile organic compounds and the fact that they can readily mix with air prior to combustion. These characteristics result in a more complete combustion, which helps to reduced exhaust emissions. The gas' clean burning characteristics also reduce engine stress, therefore extending engine life. Studies, over LPG usage, conducted for manyyears,they have shown that LPG does not shorten the engine life; on the contrary, it isestablished that engines running on LPG last longer. It is caused by chemical components of this fuel, which is seen during combustion (less pollution). LPG does not lower oil density; onthe contrary, it increases its viscosity, which reduces wear of the engine (pistons, rings,cylinder head's walls, etc.) Generally, LPG burns more completely and does not cause carbondeposit.

Are the autgas LPG equipment safe?

Yes they are safe! I The standards governing the construction of the various LPG components are very strict. Products that are installed in cars have been designed and manufactured taking into account the chemical and physical characteristics of LPG. LPG tanks are made from 3.5 mm steel plate that has been heat-treated to prevent cracking in the event of deformation (caused by an accident, for example). During the homologation process, the LPG tanks are subjected to a hydraulic pressure test and must not show any structural failure up to a pressure of 67.5 bar. Suffice it to say that the pressure developed by the LPG inside the tank normally ranges from 3 to 7 bars. In contrast, the petrol tank is made of plastic and melts at 160°-170°C and softens at 120°C. Finally, LPG pipes are made of metal, while petrol pipes are made of plastic or rubber.

What security measures are in place once the LPG system is installed?

The safety measures of the LPG system include a solenoid valve, positioned at the inlet of the pressure reducer, which prevents the flow of gas when the engine is switched off, as well as the safety devices of the LPG tank multivalve (solenoid valve, device for automatically shutting off the filling flow at 80% of the total capacity, safety valve) provided for by current ECE/ONU R 67/01 regulations, which guarantee maximum safety in all situations by preventing an excessive increase in pressure inside the tank due to external causes (fire, accident, parking in underground garages, exposure to excessive heat from radiation...) thus ensuring that safety standards are maintained. ...) thus ensuring that safety standards are maintained.